Questo è un breve articolo per ricordarvi/mi che ho creato un semplice strumento per la compressione e decompressione dei testi in base 64 utilizzando pako js.
Clicca qui e usalo quanto ti pare.
Questo è un breve articolo per ricordarvi/mi che ho creato un semplice strumento per la compressione e decompressione dei testi in base 64 utilizzando pako js.
Clicca qui e usalo quanto ti pare.
Enhancing user experience in your WordPress store is crucial for standing out and improving customer interaction and reviews area is one of the most used by customers who want to figure out if a certain product fits their needs or not, based on the experience of other users.
By default, WooCommerce products reviews use the avatar associated with the logged-in user, but it can be more beneficial to show the avatar based on the email provided in the comment. Here’s how you can achieve this.
Gravatar (Globally Recognized Avatar) is a service that provides globally unique avatars based on users’ email addresses. When users comment on your site and provide their email, the corresponding Gravatar is displayed, adding a personal touch and increasing the authenticity of the reviews.
WordPress natively integrates Gravatar to grab comment/reviews profile image, as well as in other areas (such as back-end user pages).
I struggle a little bit to find the right filter to use for my purpose; eventually I bumped into get_avatar.
This filter allows us to intercept and modify the displayed avatar based on the email entered in the comment field rather than the logged-in user e-email. Here’s the code to implement this solution:
function custom_get_avatar_for_product_review( $avatar, $id_or_email, $args ) {
// Check if the object is a comment
if ( is_object( $id_or_email ) && isset( $id_or_email->comment_ID ) ) {
$comment = $id_or_email;
// Check if the comment is associated with a WooCommerce product
if ( get_post_type( $comment->comment_post_ID ) == 'product' ) {
// Get the commenter's email from the comment email field
$commenter_email = get_comment_author_email( $comment->comment_ID );
// Generate the Gravatar for the commenter's email
$avatar = get_avatar( $commenter_email, $args['size'], $args['default'], $args['alt'], $args );
return $avatar;
add_filter( 'get_avatar', 'custom_get_avatar_for_product_review', 10, 3 );
NOTE: As you can notice we limited this functionality to product post_type, you can change according to the needs you want to fullfill.
Hope this help people.
Se dovete ottenere uno slug, anche detto machine_name, a partire da una stringa di testo nel vostro bel foglio excel, potete utilizzare questo snippet, sostituendo ovviamente “A2” con la vostra cella.
Che cos’è uno slug?
Nella filosofia del blogging made in WordPress, una URL SEO-Friendly è ricavata dal titolo del post, attraverso una specifica funzionalità che ne consente l’unicità (vedi wp_unique_post_slug).
Ecco la funzione:
=LOWER(REGEXREPLACE(REGEXREPLACE(REGEXREPLACE(TRIM(A2),"[^a-zA-Z0-9]+","-"), "-{2,}", "-"), "^-+|-+$", ""))
Ricorda di cambiare “A2” con la cella che ti interessa.