Requisiti pubblicazione app su Android store

Di seguito una raccolta delle immagini e info necessarie a sottoporre un'app Android nell'Android store. Occorrono i seguenti testi Titolo (max 30 caratteri) Descrizione breve (max 80 caratteri) Descrizione completa (max 4000 caratteri) Occorrono le seguenti immagini tenendo conto delle indicazioni di Google a riguardo, che riporto di seguito: Predefinita: Italiano – it-IT JPEG o PNG a...

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List directories with php and compare them

Sometimes it's important to quickly highlight differences between two folders structure. It could happen expecially when you are obliged to work on cheap environments, without console and you need to understand if there are differences among your local filesystem and the remote one. <?php $dir = __DIR__; $scan_result = scandir( $dir ); foreach ( $scan_result...

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Altering ECK save message

Altering ECK save messages is now possible thanks to these hooks: hook_eck_entity_save_message_alter hook_eck_bundle_save_message_alter defined in eck.api.php. I strongly suggest you to check that file because is full of interesting hooks that allow developers to customize eck standard (and horrible) behavior. Enjoy!

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